Monday, February 15, 2010

New Purse

Thursday I paid my bills and did a stupid thing. Left my purse on the floor. I have a male dachshund (Angus) and sometimes he decides he needs to mark things. You guessed it he not only marked my purse he soaked it. This was the type of purse you couldn't wash so the trash it went. I wasn't going anywhere (or so I thought) so I wasn't too concerned about it. Then Thursday night we got horrible news. A very good friend of Barbie's older brother decided to end his young life (16) I thought about telling Barbie all day that day and I did when she got home from school. It upset her but she didn't cry that day. I know for a 10 yr old its gotta be hard to grasp death. Then Saturday her friend and the mom and bother came buy our house for a little visit. We talked hugged cried ect...... Barbie played in her room with her friend. Today we went to the showing and that hit Barbie like a ton of bricks. The boy was in a open casket and Barbie wanted to say her good byes. I was close to this family because of the girls and had known this boy. He was a sweet boy and loved Barbie treated her like a sister too. So it hit us all pretty hard. To see a mother loose her first child and he was only 16 yrs old is a rough thing to begin with. Makes me realize I need to get back to church and appreciate my life and all the wonderful people in it.
Any way Here is the purse I whipped up (all hand sewing) no sewing machine touched this purse:) I put pockets in it (one for wallet-cigarettes-glasses-cell phone-pens) anyway the pictures aren't very good. But it gives you an idea.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, that is just awful about the 16-year old. I hope Barbie and you are getting through ok. The bag is amazing! Can't believe you did that with all hand-sewing.
